Unfounded (Part 2)

Unfounded (Part 2)

This post is about strategies for getting what we need from a very broken system. I don’t think anyone who has encountered the family court and Child Protective Services system would say that it functions well. But what i am looking for are ways that it can be...
Why Family Courts Fail

Why Family Courts Fail

This article addresses the heart of this issue. It is the mechanism by which what are calling parental alienation occurs. It is the focal point of where legislative change should be aimed. It empowers mental health to act because they would be required to, give the...
Unfounded (Part 1)

Unfounded (Part 1)

Some encouraging and some frustrating developments. In this episode, the outcome of the criminal/Child Protective Services investigation. To recap:  On July 1, after a failed attempt by my ex and her lawyer to get an ex parte motion granted by the judge based on...
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