PAS is a Bad Model for a Pathology

Dorcy Pruter takes great delight in annoying me. I prefer to lead my life in blissful ignorance regarding the activities of the Gardnerian PAS experts.  They are essentially irrelevant.  The paradigm is shifting to an attachment-based model of “parental alienation”...

Recommended Assessment Protocol

I’ve recently been working with several attorneys as an expert consultant regarding their cases of “parental alienation.”  In this capacity as an expert consultant, I developed a generic letter that the attorney, or their client, could provide to the involved mental...

The Bright Thing in the Sky

The pathology of “parental alienation” is NOT a defined construct in clinical psychology. AB-PA is a defined construct.  An attachment-based model of “parental alienation” (AB-PA) – as defined in Foundations – is an explanatory...
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