Exposing the Pathogen

It’s time for Gardnerian PAS to die. The solution to “parental alienation” is through a return to standard and established constructs and principles of professional psychology: AB-PA. Gardnerian PAS offers no solution whatsoever. For three years – three years...

Renewing the Focus on the APA

Prior to my presentation to the Pennsylvania House Children and Youth Committee, I was speaking with some parents who were in attendance regarding the important role of the American Psychological Association in achieving the professional competence necessary to solve...
Entry of Order for Temporary Custody

Entry of Order for Temporary Custody

Today, after almost three years to the day since filing, the judge in my case handed down a temporary custody order. It was different from the previous attempts, one being a hand written memorandum of judgement that severely restricted my child’s access to her...

Salvador Minuchin has Passed

The renowned family therapist, Salvador Minuchin, has passed today. Salvador Minuchin, a Pioneer of Family Therapy, Dies at 96 A brilliant man.  My clinical work as a family therapist is strongly influenced by Minuchin.  I had the benefit of hearing him lecture at a...
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