AB-PA Pilot Program: Foundations

In my younger days I used to work in the construction industry, hanging drywall.   The construction of any structure occurs in phases and is based on a plan, a blueprint.  In building any structure, we begin by laying the foundation.  Upon this foundation, the framing...

My Professional Background

The AB-PA pilot program for the family court begins May 22, 23, and 24 in Houston, Texas.  It represents the solution to attachment-related family pathology surrounding high-conflict divorce. How can I be so sure?  Because nothing about the pilot program is Dr....

Three Symptoms

“When someone seeks,” said Siddhartha, “then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal,...
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