The Voice of Children, for Children.

I do not seek the voices of the children, children are neutral.  We will fight and win this battle with pathology without relying on the child’s voice.  We will find other ways, children are neutral. Yet the adult children who have recovered themselves from...

Dr. Childress: Cyberspace Office

I have entered cyberspace.  Cyberspace Office: my online office is at Dr. Childress: Cyberspace Office Scheduling Calendar: I have an online Scheduling Calendar for scheduling consultation appointments with me: Dr. Childress: Scheduling Calendar...
Not My Circus. Not My Monkeys.

Not My Circus. Not My Monkeys.

It’s been an interesting journey trying to navigate through this morass of what bright me to this point in my life. While everything has been about getting my child a relationship with both of their parents, it feels like that has been the tip of the iceberg.  I...

Complex Trauma & Bessel van der Kolk

Professional practice with court-involved family conflict surrounding divorce requires competence in five domains of professional psychology: Attachment Family systems therapy Personality Disorders Complex trauma Neurodevelopment in childhood Leading figures in each...
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