Dr. Childress Vitae

I will be examining the vitaes of the professionals surrounding court-involved family conflict and attachment pathology.  I will begin with my own. I am entering a period of court testimony.  It is the obligation of the court to evaluate my credibility.  In some...

Dr. Sullivan & the AFCC

I am a consultant to a client parent and attorney surrounding the attachment pathology displayed by his child and its treatment.  A recent custody evaluation provided specified referrals for treatment and named Matthew Sullivan, Ph.D. as a primary recommended referral...

Smile. yes, you. Smile. doctor’s orders.

Change isn’t hard, it’s just doing something different.  It’s not hard, it’s just different.  We don’t like to do stuff that’s different, it’s not comfortable, it’s different, the same is comfortable.  I know what the same is.  I may not like the same, but I do know...
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