by Dr Craig Childress | Feb 16, 2022 | From Dr. Childress
Oregon has filed their answering brief to my appeal of their sanctions for practice in Oregon without a license for a Custody Resolution Method (CRM) consultation report I wrote for CCPI. Oregon statues specifically exempt consultation to “organizations or...
by Dr Craig Childress | Feb 11, 2022 | From Dr. Childress
The universe has this. We are part of an integrated weave. This is a narcissistic pathology – the solution must be non-narcissistic. The Age of Experts is over. Apply knowledge to solve pathology. Knowledge belongs to everyone. We each have our role in...
by James | Feb 8, 2022 | Blog
“If you don’t know the law, it seems all-powerful. If you are dealing with bad attorneys, they also like to puff themselves up as small gods. Because who are you to question them? I personally hate that mentality, we’re people, good and bad just like...