Business Genre
Short Business Description
Dorcy Pruter, the Founder and CEO of Conscious Co-Parenting Institute, provides strategies and solutions for parents and children to reconnect or stay connected during and after a high conflict divorce.
The primary focus of the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute is high conflict custody disputes involving Parental Alienation. The goal is to help establish Custody Plans and Co-Parenting Roles that encourage positive relationships between children and BOTH parents.
The primary focus of the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute is high conflict custody disputes involving Parental Alienation. The goal is to help establish Custody Plans and Co-Parenting Roles that encourage positive relationships between children and BOTH parents.
Long Business Description
At the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute we provide cutting edge strategies that empower divorcing or separating parents with the skills and tools they need to create a co-parenting/parallel parenting plan where every member of the family is supported to reach their highest potential.
We will show you how to communicate with your child's other parent to prevent alienation and reunite alienated children with their beloved parents. In other words, we have a solution for families regardless of where they are in the process.
Visit our web site and contact us to find a coach in your area.